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Derrida who?

A few months ago, I waded through a documentary comic book called 'Postmodernism for beginners'. The idea being that reading it would enable me to casually slip the word 'Po mo' (snobspeak for 'postmodernism') in my conversations and leave the world marveling at my dazzling intellect. After a month's uphill battle, I completed the book. Unfortunately, I was none the wiser about postmodernism . This was partly because the authors themselves weren't particularly sure what it was, and partly because when confronted with dizzying concepts like 'deconstruction' and 'rejection of meta-narratives', my cerebrum gave in and flashed its equivalent of the blue screen of death. But it wasn't all in vain, as I at least came across some interesting art like John Cage's 4'33'' and Carl Andre's Bricks.

Apparently, this is a postmodern knock knock joke:

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida who?

The Postmodernism Generator is a bit of sheer genius conjured up by critics of Pomo. It's randomly generates seemingly postmodern essays ('pomobabble') which are actually completely meaningless.